40 Gifts for 40

Well, 2013 is the year of big birthdays in the presidential house! My hubs turned 40 last week and I have a big birthday coming up in August! Wow! Time is flying! My hubs hardly buys anything for himself. He is very content. Really a great way to be. I wanted to do something really special for him because you only turn 40 once! So, I decided that I was going to give him 40 gifts. Sounds crazy, right? But, seriously so fun! Believe me, it took me awhile to come up with the list! Now, if he were to do this for me, he could go on Pinterest and easily find 30 things I would love! It’s harder to think of gifts for someone, who wants and needs for nothing! Some items are used more than once. I would say this is necessary so you don’t go overboard in the spending department. Items like chapstick, gum, mints are great filler items and they are low cost. He was sooooooo surprised when he got home this week (traveling for work)! He walked in and couldn’t believe it! He kept saying “wow!”The Little Presidents and I had a little party for him Friday night. Then we went out with our best couple friends for a hilarious and fun filled evening on Saturday! I really think my hubs had a fabulous 40th birthday! 🙂

So anywho, I figured a lot of people would love this idea and would want to replicate it, but might need some ideas on what to buy. I think this will be a tradition that happens in our house for every birthday ending in a zero or a five. Plus, 13, 16, 18 and 21! All the big birthdays! Because I have been planning this for so long, I have more than 40 items on the list! There are some big ticket items but also a lot of lower cost items to balance it out. You can easily spend very little doing this or you can wayyyyy over spend! Ha! The idea is to give fun stuff but also items that people can use/need. Teddy had an idea to give Sean a matchbox car, so that was a fun way of involving him! You could easily involve your kids and have each child pick out one or two items to add to the list! I might go through and add to the list as I think of more items, as well. I think of new things each day, to add! I could make a list for a woman in no time, just by going through my own wish list! Ha! I think I will post that list next week maybe…you can forward that post to your hubbies! Ha! So, without further ado…my 40 for 40 list (really 50 items)…


40 for 40 (Plus more)
1. Yard Gloves~My hubs LOVES working in the yard and these are always handy to have around since he goes through them like crazy. I randomly found a package of 6 pair at Costco. I figured I could use each pair as a gift if necessary.

2. Tito’s Vodka. This is our fav vodka and we always have it around.

3. Diet tonic water cans for the vodka. Again, we always have this around, but fun to give with the vodka since one of his cocktails is vodka tonic.

4. 1 pound box of all his favorite See’s candies. He loves chocolate. Who doesn’t?

5. Old Time Candy. I ordered him candy that he used to love as a kid. You can buy it by the year from this website. Seriously so much fun and really a great idea for anyone turning a big number. He was so excited to get this gift!

6. Ronald Reagan book. It’s no surprise we love Ronald Reagan…that’s who Reagan is named after, of course.

7. “This is 40” dvd. We loved this movie. HYSTERICAL!

8. Sunglasses.  He desperately needed hipper glasses. His are at least 7 years old and are cracked. He says they are fine. I beg to differ. This was the first thing on the list. I went with Ray Ban Wayfarers. You really can’t go wrong with this classic pair of glasses and they look good on almost any shape face.

9. The Power of the Praying Parent book. We have the husband and wife version. Seemed like a great idea to get the child version.

10. Gum. Everyone can use gum. It’s a good filler item.

11. 2 Burt’s Bees chapsticks. Again, you could use these as separate gifts if necessary.

12. Leather J.Crew iPhone 5 case.

13. Kiehl’s Men’s Soap

14. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Face Wash

15. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Lotion

16. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Lotion with SPF 15

17. Kiehl’s Shave Cream

18. Kiehl’s Hand Salve

19.Kiehl’s Dry Foot Cream

20. Dress Socks/regular socks

21. boxers and boxer briefs

22. Polo Shirt

23. PJ Pants

24. Undershirts

25. Onion Goggles…hilarious and useful.

26. Rainbow Sandals

27. Matchbox car (Teddy had this picked out and wrapped for weeks! His own idea!)

28. Anti-Aging samples from Kiehl’s. Hahaha! Fitting for turning 40, I think!

29. Love letter May Book that I had made, to write little love notes in and leave it around for him. Stash in his suitcase, briefcase, that kind of thing. I wrote love letter inside to explain the premise. Pretty excited about this one! I love May Books! They are great!

30. Workout Shirt

31. Workout Shorts

32. 20 pound Kettle Bell

33. Belt

34. Cologne

35. Pedicure gift card

36. Massage gift card

37. Books (anything you think your person would like)

38. Gardening Book

39. Mints

40. Golf Balls

41. Golf Tees

42. Foot Gel Socks

43. Pedi Egg

44. Gym Water Bottle

45. Monogrammed workout towel (you can order this from me ;))

46. Shorts

47. Jeans

48. Tie/Bow-tie

49. Shampoo

50. Running shoes

The Little Presidents LOVED helping unwrap all the gifts! 😉


So, there you go!
50 things that you could use as gifts! This was such a fun project to do! So rewarding! Seeing my hubs’ face when he walked in to a table full of gifts (40 to be exact) was so amazing. He loved it all and can’t stop raving about it. That makes me very happy! If you end up using this idea, please let me know! Would love to hear about what you add to your own list! Happy Tuesday!


Ps don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY! Such fun stuff!

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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Love this idea but Eric would kill me if I did this. Haha! And #25 is SO funny! We have them and they really do work!

    Posted 4.9.13
  2. What a great idea!! Your hubs is a lucky guy! Now I want someone to do this for my birthday 🙂

    Posted 4.9.13
  3. torrie wrote:

    wow!! so many great gift ideas! saving this for future reference… thank you for sharing! (and happy 40th to your hubs!)

    Posted 4.9.13
  4. Nancy wrote:

    This is awesome! You're so sweet and an awesome
    gift giver. 🙂 I always love your ideas!

    Posted 4.9.13
  5. MrsMatched wrote:

    Ha!! Great minds think alike. My dozen-year anniversary is coming up next month, and I was planning to buy my Hubs a dozen gifts for the occasion. We typically don't buy anniversary gifts for each other, but I thought this would be a cute way to commemorate a milestone year that doesn't end in a 0 or a 5. Thanks for giving me some ideas to add to my list!

    Posted 4.12.13

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