Have you ever thought about starting a blog (or any business) and hear the voice in your head say things like “who would read it” “you don’t have any influence” or thoughts about how you can’t go live on Instagram due to what others will think? Well guess what, you’re not alone. This happens to pretty much everyone who has gone live, who has hit publish on that blog post. Part Three of the 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging is all about confidence. Confidence not only in yourself but in your work. I wish I could tell you that all you have to do is XYZ and you would never have doubts again but I have not even figured out that secret sauce just yet. In all honesty, I still have times when my confidence is down. Asking you all questions and getting feedback is so incredibly helpful. I absolutely love hearing your thoughts.

Have you ever shared your favorite Starbucks drink, a Netflix show or that fab pair of jeans with your good friends? Let me guess, they took the recommendation and loved it? That is all you’re doing when it comes to blogging but you’re getting paid for it!
Two things to remember to help you on this journey:
– Know why you’re blogging
– Be consistent
There will always be negative people. Those are not the people you are blogging for. You have to remember that the people that care to criticize don’t matter and the people that matter won’t criticize. It definitely is something that takes time and doesn’t happen overnight but each time you get negative voice remind yourself why you decided to start. With all the negative people, there are also the ones standing there cheering you on! Those are your people. Consistency is also key when gaining your tribe of people cheering you on. When you are constant and stick with what you say you’re going to do, you gain trust. Trust is fundamental to your blogging business. How is someone supposed to trust your recommendation if you don’t follow through with anything? On another note, if you are posting consistently but it isn’t what you or your brand represents then it will feel fake and you will not gain trust that way.

If you have any questions regarding this blogging series, leave them in a comment bellow. Thank you for your support and being part the squad cheering me on! I hope you enjoyed Part Three of 5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging. Next week we will talk about those people and how important the support system is in this career field is. If you missed Part One about WordPress.com vs WordPress.org you can read that here or Part Two about Photography you can read that here.
I like to see the items you share, but I’ve noticed that you don’t say what you like about the item or really describe it too much other than “this cute dress.” I know that takes a lot of time, but it would be helpful to know what qualities you like about an item/product.
This is such great advice! In anything you will have the naysayers and they are not just strangers on line. They can be friends and family as well. If you are doing what you feel passionate about do not let these voices keep you down. Typically they are just envious as they have never taken the chance you are taking.