The Bonus Year Update

If you have read here for awhile, you might remember this post about Teddy and how we decided to have him repeat kindergarten. This wasn’t the normal, just have your child stay back decision, because he was already in first grade. You can read more about that here. I wanted to give an update because I think our experience could help some people make decisions for their own children in the future. Due to privacy, what I share about the little presidents is very sparse these days, however, this update is one that I think people could benefit from, so here we go!

Teddy is SEVEN

So, from the first day that Teddy started in his new class, I felt we had made the right decision. Yes, he missed his friends in first grade and yes they missed him, but he immediately fit in with all the kids in his new class and they welcomed him with open arms. There is something to be said for the sweetness and innocence of this age group. They are some of the sweetest kids I have ever met. He is blessed to spend his days with these kiddos and teachers. There was an older student that Teddy played golf with that made fun of him for moving back to kindergarten, one day when I picked him up…it was actually shocking to witness. But, other than that child, we have not experienced anyone else giving him a hard time about this decision that we made. I actually worried a lot about that because kids can be so mean, but again, everyone has been so nice and supportive.

Teddy is SEVEN

As I said, from day one, he was thriving. It was just so crazy to me that he adapted so FAST and was so happy. I honestly expected tears and lots of rough days because of having to leave his first grade class/friends, but we didn’t have any of that. I’m so very thankful. The teachers in his classroom are some of the most amazing people that I have ever met. I am so thankful that he has gotten to experience this year with them. I honestly can’t fathom where he would be without them. He looks forward to school everyday! He’s up at with the sun, bed made and dressed, every school day!

Teddy is SEVEN

What I really wanted to update you on today is how he is doing in school. I got a report card last week where he is “exceeding standards” and “meeting standards” in all subjects!!! Amazing, right?! A year ago, we were barely where he needed to be to move on to first grade. His reading has come so far that his teacher says “he can read anything!” and it’s so true! He will just sit and read to himself or out loud. I’m amazed by this because reading has always been a struggle for him. Obviously his glasses play a huge part in this as well. This is a child that a year ago would be in tears when we had to read for homework and now he reads on his own without being forced. He actually enjoys it. He throughly loves doing school work and I am just so thankful to be in a place where he doesn’t dread going, anymore. All the praise hand emojis! His personality is back to the easygoing and carefree and HAPPY kid that we’ve always known and again, this happened immediately, upon starting in the new class. The first grade material was too hard and too stressful. Having a bonus year to process these building blocks that he needs for the future, has done wonders for his confidence as well. There are no more “I can’t’s.” He doesn’t question his ability to do things, he does them, because he knows he can.

Teddy is SEVEN

I guess what I wanted to stress today is that if you have any thoughts about holding your child back or are even considering it, definitely listen to your gut. We went back and forth, but still sent him forward because he was where he needed to be and that ended up being a mistake and thankfully we are at a school that suggested and fully supported moving him back to kindergarten. It will always be a decision that we will look back at as a great one. Looking back, I wish I could have known then what I know now, because I wouldn’t have stressed as much about the decision. I wouldn’t have worried! I find myself reading his report card and feeling like this decision has been so validated tons of times over and I am so thankful to God for that. There is more to our journey in school than what I share here, so definitely feel free to reach out if you have any questions. In the end, this bonus year has been the best thing for Teddy and we are amazed by him and SO very proud of him! At this point we have no plans for a bonus kindergarten year for Reagan, but believe me if it is recommended, we wouldn’t think twice about it! 🙂

Teddy is SEVEN





*Teddy’s 7 Year Photos by: Abbi Hearne 

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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Hillary Odwyer wrote:

    My parents kept me back in 1st grade, it was hard because the two other girls that lived near me moved on. I adjusted fine and never thought twice about it. They also kept my brother back because his birthday is in May and he was the youngest and struggling also. I feel if you hold them back younger they do not notice that much. My mom got a lot
    Of comments about keeping us back, but she said it was best for us. Glad to hear Teddy is doing great!

    Posted 4.20.16
  2. Jodi wrote:

    As a former first grade teacher, you made the right decision! He is thriving and has his core foundation for reading. Great job, Mama!

    Posted 4.20.16
  3. Louise wrote:

    My daughter is finishing up her second year of kindergarten as well (our district has an optional development kindergarten class for 5 year olds between preschool & kindergarten). My husband immediately was on board for the extra year, but I struggled with it. The thing that really helped me take the plunge & set my mind at ease was when the DK teacher called me (knowing I was on the fence) & said “I promise you, you will not regret this. She will be more confident in her work & the extra time help her be a leader socially.” I can honestly say, now, it was the best decision we could have made & I suggest to all my friends with littles to at least consider looking into it. It’s amazing what that extra year can do for them. I am so happy it worked out for your family as well!!

    Posted 4.20.16
  4. Karen wrote:

    Hi Ashley! When is Teddy’s birthday and what is the school cut off for your state? Here in NY kids needs to be 5 by Dec 1st of that year to enter Kindergarten. So that means quite a few 4 year olds are entering Kindergarten. My son has a late August birthday (very late- 8/31) and he’s only two but I can already see that he is behind others his age. I’m a pediatric speech pathologist so I have been working in special ed settings for 10 years. I have had several of my students repeat kindergarten or start a year later than the state suggests. It always seems be the right choice for them. I’m so glad Teddy is thriving!! Thank you for this post as I could be in a similar position in a few years. xox.

    Posted 4.21.16
  5. Erika wrote:

    I just started following your blog & love it! This is such a great post & I’m sure it’ll help other people too, if they are going through a decision like this. I’m so glad it’s all working out for all you! Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 4.21.16
  6. I’m a behavior analyst and work with kids, and from reading your story it sounds like you did the right thing! I always tell the parents I work with that they have toils ten to their instinct and they’re they best teachers their children will ever get! Thank you for getting personal/vulnerable and sharing his inspiring story! 🙂

    Posted 4.21.16
  7. Jess wrote:

    Thank you for sharing this!! Our son will be 4 in July, and we are already debating what to do for Kindergarten. His teachers have mentioned doing a Pre-K year, but I am not sure if doing that or trying Kindergarten is the right choice. My gut says that he will be on pace, once he gets to Kindergarten, because he’s in a preschool class with 3 – 5 year olds (some who have been 5 since October, due to our deadlines for K), and he’s the very youngest. I think that, in a class with peers his age, he is a lot more comfortable and confidence. We will see! I love hearing success stories, though!! 🙂

    Posted 4.25.16

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