Happy Wednesday lovelies! Hope your week is going well! Ours has been busy but fun so far! We are headed to one of my fave states on Friday and I can’t wait! I’m a tad nervous because I’m flying solo with the little presidents and Reagan is a wild one, but praying it will go smoothly! I have a few new tricks up my sleeve and a few that worked great last time we flew, so hopefully it will be a great experience! If not, thankfully, I can wine on the plane. They gave me free cocktails last time I flew solo with the little presidents! I feel like a mom traveling solo should always get a free drink! I think it would be an awesome rule!
Here are a few of our essentials for flying!
1. Purell. I love this stuff. I usually take my large bottle but Teddy’s bag got flagged last time he flew and he had to toss it! That’s what I get for not having the travel size, I suppose!
2. Crayola ColorStudio HD+. This is a new item. I’m hoping it keeps Reagan busy. Teddy is a pretty good traveller. He just sits and watches shows and eats his snacks. Reagan was all over the plane last time. She spent a lot of time in first class…
3. Blue Headphones. These were an airport purchase and I love them, so do the little presidents. They use them with our iPads or with the airplane televisions.
4. Lollipops. These are perfect for landing and sore ears…or for a bribe. Ha!
6. Chips Ahoy individual bags. Teddy requests cookies when the plane starts to descend and says they help his ears. Random, but if it helps, then it helps!
7. Pirates Booty. You know how much we all love this stuff. I love the 1/2 bags. They are a perfect portion.
I also always take two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They usually eat them as we are taking off since the times we fly are usually around lunchtime…I do this thinking that Reagan will nap…so far it hasn’t happened! I’m holding out hope! Ha! I’m also armed with crayons and coloring books, in case they don’t want to color or watch a movie/show on iPad.
I am a HUGE fan of these thermoses. They are perfect! I just take them through security (empty of course) and then buy bottles of water to fill them up. The little presidents use these on a daily basis and Teddy uses his at school too. The germaphobe in me loves the fact that the straw is closed off.
1. Spiderman Thermos Funtainer
Here are mommy’s flying essentials. Wishing they served Sofia on planes! They do have mini wines so that works too! But, seriously, do you think I’ll even have a free moment to open my new book?! Hoping so, but I doubt it! Ha! I can’t wait to dive into this one!
1. Sofia Mini Sparkling Wine. Champs in a can. Need I say more!?
2. Revenge Wears Prada. Dying to start this! LOVED the first book and the movie too!
3. Goldfish. For some reason I always think these are the perfect airplane snack food. They pair nicely with wine!
So, there you go! Our flying essentials. Is there anything you think I should add to the list? Let me know! Have a fabulous day!
Ps don’t forget to head over to Insta and enter my birthday giveaway! It ends tomorrow and you don’t want to miss it!!!