I Rode My Peloton Everyday for 30+ Days and Here’s What Happened…

I rode my Peloton every.single.day for a month and here’s what happened…

Well, let me give you a bit of a backstory first. I don’t enjoy working out. You know how some people crave it? I never have (until now). I’ve tried TONs of different exercise programs since having kids. Lots were too high impact for my hips and back-I have issues with both. Lots just became boring. Life was busy and it was hard to make the time for it. Enter Spin. I tried SoulCycle years ago in LA and LOVED it. Of course, we didn’t have that option here in my town, so I found a gym that had a similar concept and loved it. I went there for awhile, but then switched to Pure Barre about a year or so later. I loved both honestly and if I could still squeeze in a few PB classes a week, I think I would. I just found it hard to schedule my day around the classes. I would not start my work days until 11 most days and it just didn’t work out for me, plus I’m so social, so I would end up staying way longer to chat after class (LOL). All that to say, I stopped going and decided to save and then splurge on a Peloton bike. I had heard great things and I mean, having a bike in my house…there’s no excuse not to ride it, right?

Think again. It turns out, I can make excuses even when I have a pricey piece of exercise equipment in my house. I would ride it occasionally, but nothing on the regular. I always felt guilty about not using it much, but tried to push that aside by telling myself I was too busy to do it. All that to say, I had a big realization moment in December. I toyed with going deeper into this, but decided, why not? I actually think a lot of you will relate to this, so here we go.

My Why…

So, I went to my yearly OBGYN appointment in early December and I basically use that as my yearly physical these days. I love my doctor, so it just seems easiest, you know? So, they always run a few blood panels and this year they tested for some hormonal issues, too, just due to some of the symptoms I was having. I should mention, I don’t have a period anymore, so it’s really hard to know what’s happening with my body at times…I still ovulate, but I don’t have a period. I will actually go into this more, soon. So, when I got the results back the next week, they called me to discuss them. I always feel like that’s never an amazing sign because if all is well, they usually just list them on the website and I go on my way, living life until next year. Well, this year some of my levels were elevated. In my defense, I was in my busiest time of year, I had taken on more because I hired help, but then that didn’t work out, I was trying to make it a magical December and holiday season for family. I took on too much, expected too much from myself and then some. I was in a constant state of stress. Which is probably a huge reason that some of these levels were raised.  All that to say, as the year ended, I knew I needed to make some changes and these elevated levels of bloodwork were my turning point. Ironically, my doctor was not concerned, but did mention they were on the cusp on being not amazing. So, my plan was to get through December and then start fresh in January. I had big goals on how to be more balanced this year. But, then I woke up December 26th and felt a nudge to just start now, so I did! I decided to set a goal to ride my Peloton every single day for a month and I did. I actually rode it for more than 30 days in a row, but my ordinal plan was 30 days. My streak stopped when I started my whirlwind travel earlier in February, but since we have been homebound the past few weeks, I’m back to riding daily.

Now, here’s what I learned about myself…



What I learned about myself


I actually DO enjoy working out.

This 20-30 minutes a day has been a game changer for my stress levels, my anxiety my mood, etc.

If I don’t ride, I miss it. I legit miss the feeling! #whoami

If I’m ever having tough day, my first thought is “maybe I should go hop on the bike.”

Mind over matter is legit. I’ve had a few days where I just did NOT want to ride, but I set my mind to it and did it and always felt better after.

I feel better in general.

My stress level is better (was better. these current times we are in a trying my stress and anxiety a lot though)

I sleep better.

I’m not as tired…ironic because when I am not exercising, I feel exhausted most days.

I’m showing my kids what its like to live a healthier lifestyle. They see me hop on the bike most days and you know kids watch everything! I want them to see me take care of myself!

I make better food choices most of the time. I’m an “everything in moderation” person, but when on exercise kicks, I notice I tend to make better food choices for the most part. I still eat burgers and fries, though. I can’t be too crazy here. Ha!

Moving your body in any way for 20-30 min is so key and so key for ME.

I have zero intentions of stopping anytime soon. My goal is to keep riding as much as I can from now on.


My Favorite Peloton Instructors

You guys always ask me about my favorite instructors and I have my faves, but I do want to mention, if someone is not mentioned, I still like them, I just either haven’t taken their class or don’t take their classes on the regular like these other people. I think the beauty of Peloton classes is that you can really find instructors that work for you. I think its so key to find personalities and classes that you like and that give you inspiration. I do choose classes based on music somedays…like based on what I’m in the mood for, but I am usually always with the same few instructors. Ally Love is a favorite. She is inspiring and always seems to meet me where I am. I’m always like “are you in my head, Ally?” Ha! Almost every class I take, she speaks some sort of truth and positivity into me that I needed to hear, whether I realized it or not. I love Robin Arzon as well. She is also extremely inspiring. Her classes are always fun and I always leave them in a better place that when I started! Next up is my boo, Cody Rigsby. You guys, he is hilarious. Like, I want him to be my best friend, hilarious. He brings so much joy and comedy in his classes. I loved his XOXO rides in February, but honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of his classes. I just love him. I love a Feel Good Ride, Pop Ride, Sundays with Love Ride, etc.


Peloton Favorites

All Time Favorite Class: Backstreet Boys Rode (search it, it’s the only one)

Favorite Instructors: Ally Love, Robin Arzon, Cody Rigsby

Favorite Class Length: 30 minutes



So, that is my experience with the Peloton. I get asked all of the time “is it worth it?” Is was worth it for me, but that is a personal decision for you. It’s been one of the best purchases that I’ve ever made and it’ll be two years of owning it, this August! I do want to mention, I am in no way saying that a Peloton bike is a must, but I do love mine and it’s a must for me. I feel gratitude every single time I get on it, so I know it was worth it!


I guess my point in telling you these things are, I wasn’t in my best place when I started riding every single day and I’m still not in my best place now, but, I am trying to get back to me. A me who takes care of myself and is better for it. There are TONS of ways to exercise, whether you join a gym (once we can leave our homes again), do online classes, etc. The Peloton app is amazing and you can purchase a membership even without the bike or treadmill! You can even walk your neighborhood. When my kids were little, I would put them in the stroller and just walk, numerous days a week. There are so many ways to move your body daily and I want to encourage you to try it. Add in 20-30 minutes of exercise a day, especially in these times and I’m sure you’ll feel similar to how I feel now. You don’t have to have a Peloton, but if you do, then maybe you will inspired to get back on it after this post? I had SO many of you message me during my 30 days and tell me that you also got back on your bike because I shared my challenge. That makes me so happy and that is a huge reason why I share these things with you all. If you’re like me and used to put your health and self care last, try adding it into the forefront of your day. I think you will be glad you did! Especially with the times we are living in!


Have a great day! XO!


PS I have $100 off code for Peloton (anyone can get a code when they buy one), so if you’re considering purchasing one, here’s a code for you: FWDKCN


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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Shirl Corbett wrote:

    I love reading your post. You are sun to a lot of gloomy days. You are always so upbeat and a real person I think a lot of us can relate to. Keep doing what you are doing, we love you for it.

    Posted 3.25.20
  2. Lori S H wrote:

    I love my peloton app! I have the Keiser M3I, similar to the Peloton, but great for people 5’2 and under with shorter legs. My favorite instructors are Robin, Dennis, Hannah, and Ally! Cody is so fun too! You inspired me to be more consistent with riding while you were on your journey. I too struggle with anxiety, and getting on the bike and listening to upbeat encouragement helps me so much!

    Posted 3.25.20
  3. Heather wrote:

    I’ve said it before but you truly DID motivate me to get back on my bike! I’m to the point that I feel guilt when I miss a day, so whatever you’ve said is working ???????????????? Congratulations on looking and more importantly, feeling HEALTHY!!

    Posted 3.26.20

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