Hey there lovelies! I sit here typing this post, pretty much distraught. This afternoon I went to post a picture and I was prompted to sign back into Instagram, which never happens. When I signed in, it said that my account had been disabled due to a “violation of terms and conditions.” I panicked immediately of course! I have done nothing that violates the terms and conditions. I even went and read through them just to be sure! I assumed I had been hacked and spent the better part of the evening texting a few friends and crying over this. Come to find out later this evening that this did not only happen to me and has happened to a lot of people and their accounts have been deleted. One of the rumors is that they deleted people who do not use the Instagram camera…I pretty much ONLY use the Instagram camera so that rumor must be false. As of now, there has been no response from Instagram. I look forward to hearing what they have to say on this and hope they plan to reinstate all of our accounts. I love Instagram to post pictures of the little presidents and our life and to follow other peeps, but I also use it as the main way I run my business. My sole business comes from Instagram , which I love. What’s even more upsetting is that it happened today. The day I launched my new blog. The day that I have been working so hard to get to and now, before everyone could even have a chance to see the new blog, my account has been deleted and doesn’t exist. I have submitted the forms to Instagram regarding this, but I honestly have no idea how long it will take to get the situation remedied or if it will be remedied, which makes me even more sad. I have met some amazing people through Instagram. I have made friends, I have gained business, I have learned lot of new things and lessons. We always say it’s an “insta family” and that’s so true. I am hoping that Instagram will reinstate my “littlepresidents” account as well as the mass amount of other accounts that I have heard were deleted! I have had that account for over a year now and I have over 1500 pictures that are meaningful to me and over 1500 followers that are meaningful as well. I’m hoping we wake up tomorrow with a solution to what I am assuming is a mass glitch, but if not, please know that I will create a new Insta name and be back soon. I will be so bummed to lose the “littlepresidents” handle though. 🙁 The name alone is so meaningful to me. I will tell you that all of you who have emailed and text me mean so much to me. This has been so upsetting and I am so glad to know you all have my back! For now, please feel free to follow me here and hopefully I will be back on Instagram soon…with my old user name or a new one!

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House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!
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Bless your heart! I am so glad I stumbled upon your Instagram this morning before all this mess happened. But I feel for ya and hope Instagram gets your account straightened out.
Thanks so much Christina! I am so happy that whole fiasco is over! xo!
A lot of the accounts are already back live so hopefully yours will too! Supposedly it’s only a glitch, no specific reasoning behind it. I’m sad it put a damper on your day, but your blog is adorbs and I even subscribed which is how I saw this! Go have some champs and maybe it’ll be back up my morning!
Thanks so much for your kind words! So happy that fiasco is over!!! xo!
Deep breath. Big glass of wine. And we will see you back on IG shortly no matter what your ‘handle’.
Thanks Nicole! xo!
This is SO strange!! Hoping all will be taken care of ASAP!!
Thanks Cindy! Craziest thing! xo!
Don’t let them steal the joy of your big day! Praying you get your account back soon. I am a new follower and love your blog/pics!
Hey Kasie! Thanks for your kind words! So true! So happy to have you following along! xo!
I am so sorry! I know you must be so upset and frustrated! I pray IG corrects this issue immediately! I love our “Insta Family” too and look forward to seeing all the pictures everyday.
I love your new blog!!! It has an amazing style just like you!!!
I look forward to seeing you and the Little Presidents smiling faces soon!
Thanks so much for the kind words Lori!!! I am so relieved that fiasco is over! xo!
Ashley I’m so sorry to hear that and can only hope that Instagram resolves this for you oh so quickly. I like many of your followers look forward to seeing all of your lovely pictures throughout each day…
Thanks so much Christen! So happy it’s all resolved!!! xo!
Super sad face!! Hopefully it’s just a glitch! Xoxo, heather
Lots of sad faces that night here! 🙁 So glad it’s fixed! xo!