It’s no secret that I love dressing the #littlepresidents. As Reagan has grown up, she has become more of a little fashionista and must have a say in all things clothing related. Let’s just say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I take her shopping or let her see my shopping cart before I buy things, to be sure she will wear them. Enter one of our favorites, Nordstrom. We both love Nordstrom because they have such a great selection. We can both shop for ourselves and the boys. As I always say, it’s totally a one stop shop and I love that. We recently got Reagan all setup for summer with some new clothes and shoes. She is super into dresses and skirts and we found tons of cute and casual options at Nordstrom. We are always looking for super girly stuff that can stand the test of the playground, scootering, flower picking, etc. We found some great options!
Picture overload coming your way, because she’s just TOO cute!
When we first saw these sandals, we were IN LOVE! They only go up to a size 10, so we will be out of them, by the end of summer, I predict, but omg, melted popsicles! Cutest ever. They come in a few colors! We are huge fans of this brand. Reagan wears a lot of them. Nordstrom has a huge selection to choose from!
We love these little skirts, because they have builtin shorts! Reagan is super into wearing little cartwheel shorts under all her dresses and skirts, so she loves that these have the shorts already attached! #itsthelittlethings
We sport our saltwater sandals all spring and summer! I love all the color options! We had gold and bright pink last summer. We chose gold again and Reagan is still deciding which other color she wants to add to the collection. You can never have too many sandals, right?!
We loved this dress so much! The chambray top, the neon embroidery and the open back. It’s so girly and adorable. This is one of her summer favorites!

We both fell in love with this dress because of the comfort factor. This brand is comfy and cute to boot! The floral print is so pretty and we just loved the front buttons and the ruffled sleeve detail.
Here are more items that would be a perfect addition to a little girl’s summer wardrobe:
We love these items for the boys’ summer wardrobes:
So, are your kiddos summer ready yet? Hope your week is off to a great start! XO!
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. All opinions and cute baby girl are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep the bloggity blog going! 🙂
Photography by Abbi Hearne