kindness and red cups

Have you ever really thought about how your attitude affects random people who you come in contact with throughout your day? I actually think about it a lot.

Plato said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

You know how you have those days where you are just so happy and your happiness radiates to everyone that you come in contact with?

My day started pretty darn great yesterday.

We’ve all been getting up early due to daylight savings. It’s been hard because I go to sleep so late and am tired that early. But, I am also up and getting a bunch done before we need to leave the house, so I’m not rushing to get us all out the door. It’s kind of great, but I need to work on getting to bed earlier…

Teddy put his clothes and shoes on without a fight…that is definitely something to write home about around here. He has fought me everyday this week so far…I am not a fan of starting the day with a fight! It just puts a damper on the morning and everyone feels frustrated. Anywho, he got dressed and got into the car (by himself!!!) and didn’t argue with me about his outfit, etc. It was so nice. An answered prayer, for sure. Praying that it sticks!

Then as we headed to school, I hit pretty much every green light and the traffic was minimal. I mean, we made it to school on time! That has not happened once this year! If you remember my post about traffic, then you know this is HUGE for me!

So, then after I dropped Teddy off, I decided to stop by Starbucks for my first red cup of the season. Always an exciting day for me. It’s the little things. Random side note: I worked at Starbucks in college and it was one of my favorite jobs and I LOVED Christmastime there. Anywho, I waited in a long line to order and then had the most delightful exchange with the Barista, Sam, that was working the cash register. I have had a lot of not so nice people wait on me at Starbucks lately, so this was such a nice and welcomed change. He was just such a nice and happy soul. You could tell that he was just a person who loves life! I left there feeling so great. I mean the morning was awesome, plus, I had this really nice convo with this sweet kid. Just a good morning in general!


(For those who asked, my sweatshirt is from Kate Spade. It’s no longer available, but there is a t-shirt version that’s just as fab! You need it!)

My exchange with Sam got me to thinking.

I assume he treated everyone that he came in contact with that morning, with a kind and happy attitude and he probably didn’t even think twice about it.

But, I thought about him a lot of my day and just how nice he was.  I guess maybe I have come in contact with a few not so nice people in that field lately, that our exchange really stuck out in my mind? Proof positive that a simple encounter like that with a stranger can make or break someone’s day. I mean, who would have thought that I would be so inspired and moved by such a simple encounter with a stranger who waited on me at Starbucks?

I guess my Wednesday morning was just a bright spot in a few weeks of rough patches. I needed a morning like that.

A morning filled with kindness, red cups, no traffic and no tantrums.

Never underestimate a simple convo that you have with a stranger, you never know if it will be on their mind and heart for the rest of the day. 🙂


signature, ashley 1

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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Shay Shull wrote:

    The perfect post to start my day! XOXO

    Posted 11.7.13
    • Ashley wrote:

      Happy Thursday Soul Sister! xoxo!

      Posted 11.7.13
  2. Keisha Dawson wrote:

    Encouraging words to start a beautiful day! Thank you! 🙂

    Posted 11.7.13
    • Ashley wrote:

      Happy Thursday Keisha!!! xoxo!

      Posted 11.7.13
  3. Dawn wrote:

    Love this! You are so right! All it takes is a little kindness, or “every day cheer” if you will! 🙂 Earlier this year, a dear friend of mine passed away. He was the coach at my high school and one of my best friend’s father. He was always known for being EXTREMELY NICE. However, after his passing story after story of his kindess started coming in on Facebook. This showed just how nice he truly was to everyone! A group was started in his honor, Random Acts of Kindness in Honor of Coach Snipes on FB. This group now has oven 3,000 members (the last I checked at least). People encourage each other to do something kind for someone else! It has been so neat to see the stories-from buying someone’s coffee to opening a door or carrying groceries—just simple things but those simple things can make a world of difference! Ashley, I don’t personally know you but you are cheery (and sparkly! :)) and you do encourage yours readers-so thank you!! 🙂

    Posted 11.7.13
  4. That is so true. A little kindness can go a long way!

    Posted 11.7.13
  5. Angelina wrote:

    I used to waitress and know firsthand how a rude person can damper your day 🙁 Yay for red cups! I can’t wait to get one!

    Posted 11.7.13
  6. Tracy wrote:

    Great post! What’s in the red cup? And you’re drinking a hot drink with a straw? Awesome! (I love straws. Strange, I know!). 🙂

    Posted 11.7.13
    • Ashley wrote:

      Hey Tracy! A Grande Soy NO WATER Chai! My fave! I always drink my hot Starbucks drinks with a straw. Just a habit! 🙂

      Posted 11.7.13
  7. Hilda wrote:

    So true. If only more people become more positive and nice to everyone. It makes a lot of difference. 🙂

    I truly enjoyed your post a lot. 😀

    Posted 11.8.13
  8. darci wrote:

    Loved reading this! I couldn’t agree more — it’s amazing how everyday encounters (whether pleasant or not!) can really make an impact on your day! Ps – that donut sweater is perfection. Hope y’all have had a great weekend!

    Posted 11.10.13

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