Happy Thursday lovelies and Happy August! Can you believe that it’s already August?! I really can’t! The words “Time flies” is an understatement. Really, it all flies by so fast!
Today I wanted to share a bit about a fave fashion item of mine. You may know a bit about my love/obsession with the fabulously fancy party skirts! Do you follow me on Insta? If you do, then you probably know about this!
They are the cutest and I seriously love wearing them. Nothing makes you feel more fancy or girly than a poofy skirt, right?! Right!!!! As soon as I found out about party skirts, I had to have one immediately! My collection started with one skirt which quickly grew to two skirts and now, I own four of the gorgeous babies! Of course there are lots of other colors I would love to add to my collection as well. So many party skirts, so little time!
It’s hard to pick a fave because I love them all equally! As you know, pink and gold are two of my fave colors! The gingham is unreal. Love it! The black os so versatile too! The black and the gold skirts will be making appearances on my upcoming birthday vacay! I can’t wait to wear them!
You can dress them up or dress them down. Personally, I like to dress them up because I am a huge fan of being fancy and dressed up (when I’m not in my mommy uniform of workout clothes! ha!). They bring fanciness to a casual dressed down look too! Woohoo!
I am a HUGE fan of the concept of a party skirt created by the super sweet sisters who run this company! Every day is a special occasion…celebrate, dress up and be fancy! And also, as my grandmother, (who refused to ever go by grandmother or grandma, so she goes by Pooh to all of us grandkids) always says “put on some lipstick. you’ll feel better about yourself!” I totally believe this too. Lipstick always helps.
So, what about you? Do you party-skirt? I know there are a few of you who have purchased them! So excited for you! You’ll love your skirts!
If you don’t party skirt yet, then you should! You’ll love them!
Hope you all have a fancy and blessed Thursday! Even though this was a short week for me, I am so ready for the weekend!
ps today is the last day to enter my second happy birthday to moi giveaway! Head on over and enter to win some Pom-Pom and gold pineapple fabulousness!