There are a few verses from the bible that totally stand out to me. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorites, as I have mentioned a million times before! But, I am hoping to find more and more that stand out to me, as we walk along this journey to finding peace in the everyday.
I have talked about this verse before in a post that I love and read often. I think this is a verse that deserves some more attention.
What are your first thoughts when you read this verse?
My first thoughts are:
“Wow!” and “Amazing!”
“Take heart! I have overcome the world!”
Those are extremely powerful words. When I read this verse, I think that I must be crazy to ever worry like I do, because HE has overcome the world and here I am worrying about such minor details and situations.
Yet, I worry anyway.
Peace and worry cannot coexist. This I have learned the hard way. My life consists of way too much worry and very little peace. I need and want to kick the worry to the curb. I long for peace in my heart and mind. This is easier said than done, but I truly believe that I can and will get there and I pray that if you too struggle with this, that you will get there as well.
I will be reciting the above verse each morning for the next month (and probably longer) in hopes that it will become something that pops into my head as soon as I begin to worry. I start my days by reading Jesus Calling. I have the book and the app on my iPhone and I LOVE this devotional. Some days when I really feel like the devotional is speaking to me, I will read it over and over again, throughout the day. I am hoping that as we go along this journey, that I will find more and more verses to help me (and you!) get through my days worry-free and more peaceful. When a situation where worry could consume me, arises, my hope is that these verses from the bible pop into my head instead.
So, will you join me in adding this verse to your daily routine?
You can find the rest of my posts in this 31 days series, here.
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