Three Simple Things to Add to Your Routine to Have a Better Day

This post is sponsored by Macy’s and ShopStyle. I love collaborating with brands that I love and trust. Post ideas and opinions are my own. 


Hey friends and happy Friday! I hope your short week has been great! Since we were in Napa last weekend, I feel like we got home Sunday and had to hit the ground running! The new year and fresh start has totally inspired me to change up my routine a bit. What is it about a fresh year that makes us want to just be better, in general? I was super excited to partner with Macy’s today to chat about my new year routines and how I am changing it up this year. Also, today
through January 27th you can save 20% off during Macy’s Winter Weekend Sale using code WINTER. I’m super excited to share my three simple routines that have really made a difference in my day. These are simple and easy to incorporate into any routine, at any stage of life. It takes a few weeks to get into the habit of doing anything, but I can truly say that these things have become a part of my daily/weekly routine and I am thrilled to share them with you, today! Take a peek!


Wake up before the kids during the week and practice gratitude

I start the morning earlier than I used to. I try to wake up 30-60 minutes before I wake the kids for school. I just find that this makes my mornings less frantic. I wakeup, have my coffee, read my Jesus Calling (app) and write down 3 things that I am grateful for. I’m really trying to practice gratitude. It helps to keep my anxiety at bay a bit too. There is just something about starting the day reminding yourself of a few things you are grateful for. It’s hard to have a bad day when you think of all of your blessings. It might sound cliche, but it’s really become a nice part of my routine.




Start the day with Celery Juice

Back in December a friend of mine was raving about how celery juice had cured her reflux. She had tried tons of medications and nothing worked. I was intrigued and immediately fell down the rabbit hole on all of the benefits of celery juice and just had to try it for myself. I can say, it’s made a difference for me in lots of aspects. I am not doing it every single day, mainly because it’s a tad time consuming, but I am doing it a few days a week. You can learn more about the benefits from Medical Medium, but here are a few key potential benefits!







Exercise for at least 30 Minutes

I’ll be honest, I had kind of let this one slide. I hurt my back in October and really just stopped doing my Peloton and any other form of exercise. Because of Truman’s pain, we really didn’t take the dogs on many walks, because as much as he loved to go, he could really only get a few houses down before we had to carry him home. That being said, after he passed away, in an effort to help keep George busy, we started taking him on a walk daily. I’ll be honest, Mr. fancy really started this, but I jumped on board and have really enjoyed just getting out in the fresh air a bit each day. George also loves to get out, so it’s a win win. Over the summer, I was walking daily and it really does seem to help with keeping the mind clear and positive, so I am really happy to incorporate that back into my routine.






All of these changes to my routine are minimal, but they have made a big impact. What changes have you made to your routine this year? Anything I should add to mine? Have a great day, friends! XO!


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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Sara wrote:

    I had no idea celery juice had so many good qualities! I’m a little intimidated by the green color!???? How doors it taste? Love you!????

    Posted 1.25.19
    • Ashley wrote:

      I actually don’t mind the flavor at all! Just tastes like celery, which I like! 🙂

      Posted 1.25.19
    • Angela Wilke wrote:

      Ya curious if you’ve noticed any benefits from the celery juice? do you think it’s *really* doing anything?

      Posted 1.25.19
      • Ashley wrote:

        TMI, but it’s helped me with my reflux!

        Posted 1.28.19
  2. Angela wrote:

    Yes, how does it taste? – please be real honest 🙂

    Posted 1.25.19
    • Ashley wrote:

      Truthfully, I don’t mind it! Just tastes like celery and I actually like celery! 🙂

      Posted 1.25.19
  3. Jen wrote:

    Is it reasonable to make it in bulk or does that not work as well as daily prep?

    Posted 1.25.19
  4. Addison wrote:

    Sounds like you have found a nice daily routine! I am such a chicken and haven’t jumped on the celery juice bandwagon yet but maybe I should give it a shot! Happy Friday!

    Posted 1.25.19

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