
Three years have flown by since our sweet Reagan was born.

I feel like I blinked and here we are. I’m sure I’ll be saying this every year for the rest of my life, but time flies and time flies even faster when you have kids.

I can’t help but think about the day that she was born. It was not an easy pregnancy by any means. Complication after complication occurred, but all along, our sweet, strong girl hung in there. I can still remember praying that we could make it to full term with the pregnancy. I was induced the day before I turned 37 weeks, so that was a victory to me. Our girl was born healthy and she has been a joy since day one. Here is a little tour down memory lane from the past three years…


She has always had the best cheeks and a bow on, since day one.

iPhoto Library

Teddy has always been the proudest big brother. They are the best of friends, when they’re not fighting of course. 🙂


I can still remember the day she turned one. I thought that the year was the fastest year of my life. I remember thinking that time flew when Teddy was a baby, then Reagan was born and time seems to fly even faster. I blinked and my babies are 5.5 and 3!



Best pals…



Another short year of all things princess, dress-up and girly and we were celebrating her second birthday! Boo, her best friend (the stuffed dog she always has with her), came into her life this year. She saw him in a store, grabbed him, smothered him with wet kisses and the rest is history. He has been her best friend and constant companion ever since.







And here we are at three. This year has been full of all things girly. She started ballet this year and has loved it. She throws parties and has tea parties on a regular basis. If I had to predict her future career, I would say that she would either be a party planner or a veterinarian. The girl loves animals. Especially dogs. She is one of the kindest souls out there with animals.



She broke her arm in the fall…she is fearless and a daredevil and full of personality. This might be one of my favorite pictures of her ever. It was our 3rd doctor appointment in 24 hours…I was trying to make her smile…she was thrilled.


With her best buddy, Boo.



With her other best buddy…


I am so incredibly proud of my sweet girl. I’m so thankful that God chose us to be her parents. Her laughter is contagious. Her strong-willed personality is hilarious and sweet at the same time. The girl knows what she wants. 🙂 It is a joy to watch her grow and see the person that she is becoming. There are lots of days that I wish I could bottle her up and keep her this age forever. The age where you wake up and put on a princess dress and throw tea parties all day long. The age where you have puppy contests (dog shows) and play salon with all your stuffed animals and play veterinarian with your puppies. The days that you wake up and ask your mama to give you some lipstick to put on. The days where you just are who you are and life is carefree and happy.

As we start out the next year of her life, I pray for health and happiness and I pray she always knows how much she is loved. We love her big time. The day she was born, 7/9 at 9 minutes to 7, will always be one of the best and one of the most favorite moments and days of my life.

IMG_2445 Happy third Birthday, Reagan! You are life-changing and we love you big time.

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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Shay Shull wrote:

    Goodness! Happy birthday sweet Reagan!! You are absolutely precious :). XOXO

    Posted 7.10.14
    • Angie wrote:

      Happy 3rd birthday you cutie pie! She is so precious and i know you are so proud. i know you feel as blessed as i do to have one of each. hope y’all are having fun on vacay 🙂

      Posted 7.10.14
  2. Colleen wrote:

    Happy Birthday Reagan! She is such a little cutie! They could model baby dolls after her look 🙂

    Posted 7.10.14
  3. Kelli H wrote:

    Happy birthday sweet girl. Her big bright smile just lights me up every time I see her picture

    Posted 7.10.14
  4. Liz wrote:

    Happy Birthday to your sweet girl, she is just the cutest!!!

    Posted 7.10.14
  5. Louise wrote:

    Oh Reagan !!! You make my day everyday !!! I only have a few children I follow everyday !!!!! I wish we could play tea party or veterinarian and I have thousands of lipsticks too !!!! Ashley what a wonderful fairy tale life you are working hard to make for your fabulous family !!! It’s such a pleasure to see . Many congrats on all your efforts to be the best at what you do !!! You are amazing ! God bless

    Posted 7.10.14
  6. amanda wrote:

    Happy Birthday to her! Today is my youngest’s birthday as well.. she’s 1!

    Posted 7.10.14
  7. Margot wrote:

    How sweet! Happy Birthday, precious girl!

    Posted 7.10.14
  8. Hilary wrote:

    Reagan is so sweet! Happy Birthday! Side note: really like your dining table! Is it newer or still in stock? I’ve been looking for something simar! If so, where is it from?

    Posted 7.10.14
  9. Nico wrote:

    I loved this post! Your kiddos are adorable. I can totally relate to your feelings on wanting to freeze time! My daughter is 3.5 and 3 is so much fun. we are all about princesses at our house. Lexie wants to be by my side all day long chatting and “helping” with whatever I am doing. at times I find myself getting a little irritated especially if I have a lot to get done, but time really does fly so I know I just need to enjoy this fun stage. I also have a son who is 8 and I can’t believe he will be starting third grade soon. time really does fly!!

    Posted 7.12.14

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