Tuesday Talk

Happy Tuesday, peeps! Thank you for the sweet comments on YESTERDAY’S POST. I am so glad a lot of you can relate. I always feel stressed to press “publish” on the deeper posts because feedback can go either way. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, as well. Love you guys!

Anywho, I am back today with Tuesday Talk, which I am hosting solo this month because ERIKA is in China adopting her baby girl!!!! How exciting is that?!! I am so thrilled for their family!!!!

This month, I decided to mention a few things you might not know about me! Prepare for some laughs you, guys!

-I’m a germaphobe and I have a purell obsession. There are purells at every door in my car and it’s all over the house. It’s crazy, I know, but I can admit that, so I feel good about it. Ha! Anytime I see someone cough/sneeze in public without covering their mouth, it makes me crazy and takes lot of willpower for me not to say “please cover your mouth!”

-I read books super fast and I have been known to stay up all night reading a book if I am really enjoying it.

-If I could do any job in the world, I would be a pop star (and no, I can’t sing).

-I can’t dance. I have no rhythm and no coordination. But, I have fun and enjoy myself anyway. Learning to dance well is on my bucket list, but I’m not sure there’s any hope for me. My family and husband think it’s hilarious.

-I have a legit fear of spiders. I check my bed every night for them. I check the walls, etc. If there is one anywhere in the house, I cannot sleep until it has been taken care of. A couple years ago, there was a HUGE spider in a pile of towels and I realized it as I walked into my laundry room. I screamed and threw the pile into the washer and washed the towels on SUPER hot wash, 4 times. Then when my exterminator got here later that day, I was still freaking out and I asked him if he would put the towels into the dryer for me. God bless him he did it and was so nice, but I’m sure I’ll go down in history as his craziest customer. EVER.

-I watch the show Frasier every single night. Season 1-11 on repeat. My hubby and I are always quoting the show. We know a lot of the lines. I always secretly wish I could be besties with Frasier, Niles, Martin, Daphne and Roz. Lately, I’ve been mixing in the show, Friends as well. I love that crew, too!

-Growing up, I wanted to best the next Oprah and have my own talk show. I produced a late night talk show in college. It was on the local TV station.

-I love karaoke and always sing Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me With your Best Shot!” We also started the tradition where my sisters, cousins, friends, etc, sing it at every family wedding.

-I can rap/sing most of Eminem’s songs. He and Pitbull are two of my faves.

-I “kill” things as I call it. I will eat the same meal for weeks on end until it’s no longer appetizing. I’ll listen to the same song on repeat for weeks until I can’t listen to it anymore. I will watch movies over and over. I’ve done it for as long as I can remember!

-I make lots to do lists, forget where I put them and start over again. It’s a cycle and it’s no wonder that my to do lists seem never ending!

-I can’t swim any of the strokes well, despite years of swim lessons (I think this goes back to my lack or coordination).

-I’m loyal to a fault. If I’m your friend, I ALWAYS have your back.

So, there you have it, these are some things (quirks) you might not know about me! I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday! XO!



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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Kristen wrote:

    I “kill” things too! I can’t help it; when I really like something I go all in.

    Posted 5.16.17
  2. Maureen wrote:

    I watch Frasier and Friends on repeat every night as well! My boyfriend had NEVER watched an episode of Frasier until I met him! Safe to say…he’s hooked!

    Posted 5.16.17
  3. Chelsey wrote:

    My husband and I have recently been watching Frasier on Netflix! I loved it when it was on tv! And I have to say, I wouldn’t have guessed you to be a big Eminem fan! 🙂

    Posted 5.16.17
  4. Stephanie wrote:

    I LOVE Frasier! We watch a lot of Friends because my husband was deployed in its heyday and never watched it. It’s the only show I can quote lines from.

    Posted 5.16.17
  5. Bethany wrote:

    I like even numbers…..TV volumes, times, car volumes etc. I like even numbers. It’s a weird quirk but ya know it is me.

    Posted 5.16.17
  6. Sara wrote:

    I have a feeling if we lived in the same neighborhood we would totally be besties ????

    This was a fun post! I “kill” things as well and I have a love for Eminem too! And who loves spiders?!? Not me!

    Posted 5.17.17
  7. Anne wrote:

    I wish I lived near you so we could’ve friends….you are adorable! Quirks and all! Seriously my favorite person to watch oninstastories…you need that talk show! Ha! Enjoy your day!!

    Posted 5.17.17
  8. My mom says I am loyal to a fault, too – definitely can backfire on you at times! But still a great quality to have!

    Posted 5.22.17
  9. I loved reading this and love how much I relate to some (making lists alllll the time) and some are my worst nightmare (talk show, pop star, karaoke, no thank you!!). And totally nodding at the last one – you’re loyal in a special way. I have always just felt like you have my back no matter what, which feels funny to say but you just have that spirit about you I guess! Love you buddy!!

    Posted 5.24.17

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