Weeks Like These

I went back and forth about writing about my week, but in the end, decided to write about it. I think it’s nice to know that we all have these kinds of days, weeks and months.

It’s been one of those weeks around here. Nothing awful has happened, but lots of little things have gone wrong. Numerous days this week, I have been like “really?!” and wonder how I’ll make it to Friday. It all started on Monday. Do you ever have those days where you are thinking you’re totally on top of things and then come to realize that in fact, you are NOT on top of things. Well, this was me on Monday. I got into carline to pick up Reagan and was sitting there early, just relaxing and feeling happy that I made it on time. When school gets out and she hops in the car, she immediately bursts into tears and says “My school picnic was today and you forgot to come.” OMG. Immediately, as she said it, I remembered the school picnic. Of course, I cried as she cried. I mean I hate to let either little president down. I hate to let anyone down for that matter. The worst part is I was just sitting at home, eating a quesadilla. I kid you not, eating a dang quesadilla (Napoleon Dynamite reference). I was not busy, I was not somewhere and couldn’t get there. It just completely slipped my quesadilla eating mind. I felt awful the whole rest of the day and really the rest of the week honestly and she brings it up daily, so clearly it really upset her which I hate! But, seriously, why are there soooooo many events at the end of the school year?! There is SO much going on over the next 3 weeks before the kids get out for summer break! Please tell me you feel me on this! In the span of 4 days, I have let one kid down, I’ve had a large master bathroom window shatter (for NO reason), I’ve had a very upsetting thing brought to my attention that I can’t stop thinking about, I’ve been told one kid is struggling in certain parts of school, I’ve had a rock hit my car window and crack it, I’ve had one kid at the dr, I’ve burst into tears when a stranger asks how I’m doing, I’ve been seconds from running out of gas, amongst other small things…Oh, and all this while Mr. Fancy was out of town. You know those types of weeks. Just one of those weeks where you are like “no more, please.” There is so much good and we are so blessed, but when you have weeks and days like this, it’s hard to remember the positive. I have seen this quote floating around Pinterest for quite some time. It comes to mind this week. “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life” My interpretation of it for this week:

It's just a bad week, not a bad life quote


Of course I have baskets of laundry to do. I’m sitting here hoping that Teddy has a clean uniform shirt for the morning. At the end of the day though, I think Reagan probably won’t recall me forgetting her picnic, the window will get fixed, situations will resolve and dishes and laundry will get finished. Until then it’s just a bad week. Tomorrow will be better. It just has to be. In the midst of all of the chaos of this week, I found this note in Teddy’s backpack:


It was a sweet note from his best friend. She’s always writing him notes…but, I swear, I needed to see this at that moment. We all need the reminder that in spite of it all, we are good. I’m going to frame this and keep it in Teddy’s room. It just made me think about how much we all need words of affirmation daily. Can you even remember the last time someone said “you are good!” or “you did a great job!” or “you are enough!” As moms, we spend a lot of our lives being cheerleaders to our kids. I think it’s easy to forget that we need that cheering on too. It’s important to hear that you’re doing a good job. I mean, you forget your kid’s school picnic…you feel like the worst mom ever. Or at least I did. Sometimes even moms need to hear the cheers too. So, if you’ve had a week like I have or even if you’ve had an amazing week, I hope you remember that you are good. You are awesome, in fact and you are loved. XOXO!


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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. I’m so glad you wrote this. Girl we have all been there, and I have come to realize, 22 years into being a mother, that moms too make mistakes and we forget things and you know what…..it’s OK! I try really hard to find the good in each day but the truth is some days are just crappy! Thanks for keeping it real!!! And here’s to Friday and a fabulous weekend !!!!

    Posted 5.7.15
  2. Girl I totally feel you! I describe those weeks like there is a big dark cloud on my chest, hard to shake those kinda days! Tomorrows a new one, and you are doing great!

    Posted 5.7.15
  3. Nicole wrote:

    I feel the same way about all the school activities being the last 3 weeks of school. It’s ridiculous, what’s wrong with having them throughout the year. Hang in there! Friday is practically here! Hopefully you have an amazing Friday and an amazing weekend!

    Posted 5.7.15
  4. Leigh wrote:

    This has SO been my week! The last few weeks actually. There has been so much happen recently and it’s starting to get to me. I know other people experience the same things but in the moment, you forget that and throw a pity party for yourself. Thanks for posting this.

    Posted 5.7.15
  5. kristy wrote:

    Just take a deep breath and look at those precious angels and know it well all be okay. It may be bad right now but one day it will be a faint memory that you can laugh at.She won’t remember that in the long run, and you are going to have all summer for your own picnics and fun times. Cheer up buttercup, if life was always perfect we would take it all for granted.

    Posted 5.7.15
  6. Ashley H wrote:

    I’m sorry you’ve had a rough week – that’s not too small of stuff and for it to keep happening, that’s tough! And of course it all happens while your hubby is out of town… that always happens. Hope your Friday and weekend is a lot better!

    Posted 5.7.15
  7. Meghan wrote:

    I’m right there with you! We are in the middle of a relo with two kids under four years living in a small apartment. My husband is working so hard, but I yelled at him for traveling for work while I’m stuck dealing with everything. I keep telling myself it’s only temporary and it will get better. Thanks for posting

    Posted 5.7.15
  8. Katie wrote:

    I think posts like these are amazing. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who has days (or weeks) like this. We all juggle so many balls and sometimes they just drop. And I’m like you, I find myself beating myself up about things for days. I hate letting my kids down (and they won’t remember, of course) but it kills me. Cheers to a much better weekend!

    Posted 5.7.15
  9. Desirae Prado wrote:

    Thanks for sharing! I forgot my sons parent teacher conference last week! I felt so horrible! It really does happen to the best of us! Cheers to FRIDAY! I hope you have the best weekend!

    Posted 5.7.15
  10. Debbie wrote:

    Dark cocoa almonds please.

    Posted 5.7.15
  11. Erika wrote:

    This has been my week as well. We just moved last weekend, and I’m not getting everything done that I want to. I have a 3 year old, and he is having a hard time adjusting to the move….refusing to eat, crying every time his dad leaves for work in the morning, making huge messes while I attempt to unpack boxes, and acting just downright naughty. I have been counting down to friday since Monday! Lol! I’m hoping to get a lot done this weekend.

    Posted 5.7.15
  12. Lori Peterson wrote:

    Ask Kelley about our trip to the beach Monday. That’s how our week started! Hang in there❤️

    Posted 5.7.15
  13. Oh my word, we’ve had one of those weeks too! I’m so glad it’s almost Friday and time for the weekend! Thanks for sharing the sweet quote!

    Posted 5.7.15
  14. I’ve been having the same type of week & last night my husband & I went with friends to a fundraiser for a local hospital’s children’s wing that’s a St Jude affiliate. Well, that got my attention quick! Seeing the pictures of the sick kids & the auction items for things like donating a “no mo chemo” party & an oxygen tank to families that can’t afford it. WOW! OK God you got my attention for sure. I think you said it best – it’s not a bad life, it’s a bad week. Keep your head up & have an awesome Mother’s Day!

    Posted 5.8.15
  15. Sorry you’re having such a rough week, sweet girl. Keep your head up and know that you’re doing your best!! Let the family celebrate you this weekend and you take it easy! Happy Mother’s Day! <3

    Posted 5.8.15
  16. Girl! I love that you shared and wrote this. I am so sorry the week was so darn brutal and long I am sure. You are an amazing mama and we have all forgotten a “picnic” along the way. I totally spaced and missed an Open House Night one year. What? I am thinking of you and hoping it’s all turning around. You are good. Very good. xoxo

    Posted 5.8.15
  17. Donna Zoltanski wrote:

    Lovely little presidents will always remember all your love & hugs! Enjoy your escape with hubby – Happy Mom’s day to you too!

    Posted 5.9.15
  18. Kristin wrote:

    magbe you can take Regan to the park to have a picnic and make it up to her? My kiddos think any type of “picnic” is fun! Even if it’s just eating leftovers on a blanket in the living room! Hang in there! Everyone has bad days and weeks! Such is life! This too shall pass!

    Posted 5.9.15
  19. Danielle wrote:

    One of my favourite quotes! Glad I found your site today, indeed we all need a little cheer sometimes. Big love! xx

    Posted 5.11.15
  20. We all need those small reminders that everything will be okay! You are awesome, that’s for sure! Xo, Stephanie

    Posted 5.17.15

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