I’m so excited to bring you part four of our five part weekly blogging series. In case you missed it, I’m diving into the five things I wish I knew before I started blogging. I so often get asked, “how to get started blogging”, and “what advice would I give”, so I finally decided to sit down and write up all my advice so that I can share it with you!

Support is Key
The fourth thing that I wish I knew before I started blogging, is how much support I would need. Now, I don’t mean support from strangers on the internet. And I certainly didn’t care what Tina from high school thought about me starting a blog. But I did however need support from my husband. So much happens behind the scenes that requires a second set of hands. Someone to snap the pictures, and allow me to work on this late at night after the kids went to bed instead of nagging that I was neglecting him. It funny, but we often joke that I started my blog, Mr. Fancy didn’t realize WE were starting a blog. I say all of this because it’s super important to have that one person. Whether it’s a friend, your spouse, a relative, neighbor, or person you go to church with, you need that once person that you can count on. Trust me, it’s vital.

I am so thankful that over the years, Mr. Fancy has been my biggest support system, cheerleader, shoulder to cry on and ear to bend. I’m also excited for him to take on a more active role with the House of Fancy within the coming months! If you all are excited to see more of Mr. Fancy, let me know what you are hoping to see in the comments below.
In case you missed the first thee parts to our five part blogging series, check them out below! I dive into three more things I wish I knew before I started blogging!
P.S. Be sure to come back next week for Part Five, our final part, to our five week blogging series- I have a special announcement, just for you!!