Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Happy December! How is it already December?! This year has FLOWN by!

I can’t believe we are already decking the halls and trimming the tree, but we are!

I am a huge fan of the concept of Elf on the Shelf.

Our elf’s name is Dwight…after Dwight Eisenhower…We keep it presidential around here. 🙂

Last year was the first year that Teddy really understood the concept and I could tell him, “Hey Teddy…Dwight is watching and he’ll be checking in with Santa tonight to tell him how you behaved today.”

It’s crazy, but it worked. So, I’m all about it. We believe Jesus is the reason for the season, but it’s fun to have a little elf around for the month, watching over the kiddos…also, he’s a huge help to me during these crazy toddler years! Ha!

I didn’t go all out last year…in fact, most nights, I forgot to move him at all. I’m really trying to be better about moving him, nightly this year since they both seem to understand the concept a little more.

Dwight usually brings a little gift on his first night at our house…Christmas books, DVDS, etc.

This year, he had really fun new gift ideas!

Elf on the Shelf Idea // Fancy Ashley

The first idea is these mini Christmas tree kits!

I am obsessed with the concept! Not only is it an adorable idea, but it’s a fun project for me to do with the little presidents. It’s also a fun responsibility for them to remember to water their trees daily! Cutest concept ever, right?!

christmas tree kit

So, Dwight, our elf, brought these mini Christmas Tree kits on the first night…along with these girl and boy Christmas Pajamas. The little presidents are NUTS for glow in the dark pajamas…you can bet that they will wear these ALL year!


Dwight’s gifts were a HUGE hit on the first morning and the little presidents LOVED having him here all day! Teddy kept yelling “Look!!! Dwight is still here!” We are still learning the concept that he stays all day and heads back to the North Pole at night! 🙂 We watched the story of the Elf on the Shelf DVD a few times yesterday too! Teddy wanted to watch it on repeat! 🙂

Elf on the Shelf Idea // Fancy Ashley

*Christmas Crackers that are attached to the gifts, can be purchased, here. They are an awesome gift topper for anyone! So fun!!

You could use either of these ideas for a fun little Christmas gift too!!!

So what about you? Do you do the Elf on the Shelf tradition in your house?


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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Jenn wrote:

    We do the elf (buddy…so original), but i usually forget to move him and end up tossing him as the kids are running down the steps and hoping for the best. We do hold an annual “north pole” breakfast though, and santa himself comes, delivers the elves straight from the north pole, and reads the books to the kids. we did it today, and it was a huge hit this year as the kids understand it more and more. great tradition! ~Jenn

    Posted 12.1.13
    • Ashley wrote:

      LOVE that idea!!!!! The little presidents would FLIP if Santa showed up and dropped off our elf!!! So much fun!!!

      Posted 12.2.13
  2. this is our second year to do the elf on the shelf and our elf “jake” was zip living from the entry way to the kitchen this morning. our son thought it was hilarious! I will admit I wake up some mornings freaking out that we forgot to move the elf! We are trying to be better and more creative with it this year! keep the ideas coming!!

    Posted 12.2.13
    • Ashley wrote:

      I love the Zip Lining idea!!! So fun!!!

      Posted 12.2.13

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