Our Switch to Safer Skin with Beautycounter

Happy Thursday, my peeps! I hoped you enjoyed yesterday’s PATIO REVEAL POST! We sure love that space now!

Today, I wanted to chat a bit about skin and some changes that we are making in our family! A little background…I have lots of skin allergies. Like a lot. My skin reacts to things so easily. It is super stressful and it’s gotten to the point where I am terrified to use a new product because I don’t want the after affects of an allergic reaction. Ugh. I had yet another reaction to a tinted sunscreen (we think) when I was in California. It’s awful and painful and can be such a bummer, especially because it’s on MY FACE on vacation! If you have sensitive skin, then I’m sure you are totally in agreement with me that the face reactions can be such a bummer. After this past trip and past reaction, I decided that I had had enough with certain products. Enter Beautycounter.

I actually first tried Beautycounter about two years ago. I tried mainly their makeup products (TINT SKIN, DEW SKIN, CONCEALER PEN, BLUSH STICK) and loved them. Honestly, I stopped buying the products out of ease. It was just easier to grab my makeup products at the mall while I was there. So, I just kind of put it to the wayside and moved on about my life…still having random allergic reactions to things, but after this past reaction, on vacation, I felt it was time to explore better/different options.

A couple weeks ago after much thought, I decided to slowly integrate some safer skincare products into our lives. The ingredient list on most of the products that we all use daily, is not good. That being said, I don’t intend to change all products overnight and in all honestly, there are certain products that I will continue to use. The change will obviously happen slowly and I won’t just throw all my current stuff away (well, anything that gives me allergy issues is in the trash). Rest assured, I will still be using and talking about lots of different makeup and skin related products that I use, here on the blog. But, I am excited about the potential of using some safer products on our skin day to day. As a parent, I am always SO concerned about my children, what products we use on their bodies, what they eat, etc, so Beautycounter is actually perfect for us in that sense. My kids also have some sensitive and nutty skin, like their mom, so I am thrilled to incorporate this into their lives as well. So far, they are loving it as well. All this to say, I wanted to bring you along on the journey with us! And I wanted to share a few of my favorite products with you!

I love Beautycounter’s mission: “To get safer products into the hands of everyone.”  And like I said above, this is something that I can completely wrap my mind around, especially as a parent. If you want to learn more about Beautycounter , head HERE to read the story and process behind this skin movement!

Here are the products that we love so far…

The HYDRATING BODY LOTION is favorite around here. It amazes me how soft is makes our skin. My hands are forever dry from all my hand washing and Purell use. My elbows also get so dry from doing planks on the carpet at Pure Barre and this helps so much too!  A good lotion is hard to find in my opinion. I’m glad we found this one! The “citrus mimosa” scent is pretty heavenly too!


The KIDS BATH COLLECTION is a favorite around here too! In fact, Reagan refused to share with Teddy and insisted that he get his own COLLECTION for his own bathroom! Ha! We’ve had company this week, so they’ve both been showering down in the master bathroom, so they’ve both been enjoying these products. Reagan loves the scents and even Teddy commented that the body wash smelled “great!” The conditioner helps tame Reagan’s knotted hair, so that’s a win in my book! As we continue to use these products, I’ll keep you up to date on how we are loving them. But, this COLLECTION is definitely much loved in our house so far!


SUNSCREEN is a huge thing these days. We all hear about it all the time. Since we all have sensitive skin, I prefer to use the safer sunscreen on us all anyway, but Teddy has never been a fan of the ghost look that comes with mineral sunscreen! Let’s face it, neither am I! Ha! Thankfully this SUNSCREEN does not do that and the big stick sunscreen is fabulous and the kids can do it themselves. Reagan is a huge fan of this aspect! She loves to do her own sunscreen!


The DEW SKIN and the SHIMMER OIL are huge fan favorites. The OIL adds bronze an shimmer safely to help you achieve a beautiful summer glow, all year around!


This COUNTERMATCH LOTION is supposed to be incredible! I have not tried it yet because it just recently came back in stock after selling out in a day, back in March! One day!!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on it and try it! It adapts to your skin type, whether you are dry or oily, etc, it will adapt and work well on your skin! Sounds pretty amazing, but again, I haven’t had a chance to try it yet! If you have tried it or plan to try it, let me know! I would love to add some of your personal experiences to my next blog post about Beautycounter.


And last but not least, this TINT SKIN is the first product that I used and loved from Beautycounter about 2 years ago!


Those are just a few products that we have tried and love so far. The more products we try, the more I will share with you guys. Maybe you’ve considered making the switch to safer skincare for your family? Maybe you already have? Either way, I am thrilled to keep you up to date on my experience with certain products. I’ll let you know the products I love and if I find one I’m not a fan of, I’ll let you know that as well! Have a great day!!! XO

To shop all Beautycounter products, head HERE.











Also, if I am going to be building a great team of gals to help spread the word about this awesome brand and if you’re interested in being a part of that, please send me an email to ashley@fancyashley.com 


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The House Of Fancy

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. We believe in bringing a little Fancy to your everyday!

The Fancy Tees

Where I Love to Shop

House of Fancy is the lifestyle brand created by wife, mom, blogger, fashionista, foodie, home project addict, wine enthusiast, entertainer and sometimes DIY Queen, Ashley Lastovica. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of chardonnay and join Ashley and her husband Mr. Fancy, for a peek into their everyday life and all the fun, fashion, fabulousness, home renovations, family and sometimes chaos that is the House of Fancy!



  1. Robin wrote:

    I have freakishly sensitive skin as well. A few years ago I discovered that I have an allergy to formaldehyde based preservatives. They are in everything it seems. Makeup, lotions, soaps, shampoos, hair color,detergent…
    Do you have any recommendations for sunless tanner? I most recently tried St. Tropez, loved it at first, but it made me break out and itch like CRAZY with additional use.

    Posted 7.27.17
  2. I love that they also have a kids’s line — we need more companies like BC!

    Posted 7.27.17
  3. Jennifer wrote:

    The Charcoal cleansing bar is fantastic. I can instantly tell a difference going one night without using it. It is a total game changer. I haven’t tried the cleansing balm, because I am so hooked on the charcoal bar!

    Posted 7.28.17

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